published by By BAILEY ZIMMERMANNHEAD PAIN: South Wangaratta Medical Centre GP pharmacist Deborah Hawthorne suggests products changes such as more detailed labelling and warning notices on paracetamol rather than proposed restriction on the sale of the popular medication. CONCERNS over the misuse of paracetamol has led to proposed restrictions on the sales of the popular medication, … Read more

published by Wangaratta Chroniclewith Ravindra Abeyawardana (MBBS, FRACGP), South Wangaratta and Docker Street General Medical Centres LONG COVID is an emerging condition and there is a lot of study going on about it at the moment in many countries including the UK, Australia and USA.  There is a lot we don’t know yet about how it … Read more

published by Wangaratta Chronicle IT was a cold Saturday morning in winter in Apex Park Wangaratta, 8am, temperature one degree Celsius. I found myself at the start line with many other walkers, joggers and runners waiting for the run director’s start whistle. This was the weekly 5km Parkrun event I had been eagerly waiting for … Read more

published by Wangaratta Chronicle THE South Wangaratta and Docker Street General Medical Centres have doctors and nurses who specialise in women’s health. They offer a number of support and clinical services for females including cervical screening, breast care awareness, pelvic floor education and bowel screening education. They also offer referral pathways for further investigation where … Read more

BY: RYAN MALCOLMPHOTO: Kurt HicklingHELPING OUT: Qualified pharmacist Kim Ching and staff at South Wangaratta Medical Centre will hope to drive up local vaccination numbers through a Murray PHN-supported outreach program throughout August. VULNERABLE individuals un- able to access vaccinations are set to benefit from a new out- reach and homebound care mod- el orchestrated … Read more

  THINK of summer and you’re likely to think of the sun. Winter? Not so much. For most of us, the first chill of winter means it’s time to hibernate. We wrap up in layers of clothing, stay inside more and avoid exposing our skin if we can help it. Ironically, that’s why winter can … Read more

DID you know that June was Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and that the chances of getting bowel cancer increases from the age of 50? Bowel cancer can develop without symptoms and in healthy men and women. 80 per cent of people who develop bowel cancer do not have a family history of the disease but … Read more

HPV self-collection (cervical screening test/pap smear) DURING the last two years or so, many cancer screenings have been neglected for one reason or another. However, changes in screening methods are constantly evolving.This includes cervical screening tests(previously known as PAP Smears) for cervical cancer. From screening every two years, to becoming five yearly and now there … Read more

AS we mourn the loss of one of Australia’s cricketing greats, Shane Warne, it has forced one of Australia’s deadliest chronic health conditions into the limelight – cardiovascular disease.  Evidence suggests that 48 Australians die of heart disease every day. However, if investigated in the early stages then we hold the power to act now … Read more

While the focus of our nation has been on COVID-19 during the past few years, the leading cause of sickness, impairment and loss of life has remained unchanged: chronic health conditions.  Its effects are wide reaching, with approximately 50 per cent of all Australians experiencing one or more of these long-term health issues. The most … Read more

Copyright 2021 Northeast General Practice Services Pty Ltd trading as South Wangaratta Medical Centre.

South Wangaratta Medical Centre is a mixed billing practice

Our staff are trained and dedicated to serve you and you will be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. In return, we request that the doctors, staff and nursing team are treated with the same courtesy and respect.